Michael Gibson Michael Gibson

Mirren Hogan - Drop and Give me 20! 20 Hard Questions for Hard Authors


 Mirren Hogan, Author of Crimson Fire  

Mirren is a writer I met through Burning Willow Press! Now, let's welcome this author from New South Wales Australia!


1. Are you An Author” or- A Writer

Whats the difference? Both. It depends if I'm writing for fun, or for fun and (eventual) profit.


2. What is your biggest failure? 

Last Christmas's roast turkey.


3. What is the worse lie you ever told? 

"No, there's no more chocolate in the house."


4. Do you Google yourself? 

Yes, I'm not rich enough to pay anyone to Google for me. 


5. How would your friends describe you? And what about your worst enemy? 

Hopefully caring, loyal and a good writer. My worst enemy would be some extremist who doesn't share my views on equality. They can go jump. 


6. What is your creative Kryptonite? 



7. What popular movie/book/music which others adore, do you secretly despise? 

50 Shades, but it's not a secret. 


8. What is the worst criticism you ever received? How did it make you feel? 

I had a beta reader ask if my writing was supposed to be serious (as in, did I really think anyone would read it). It stung, but the publisher likes it, so I guess success is the best revenge. 


9. What is secret youve never told anyone? 

I can't tell you.


10. How long/how many rejections did you get before someone gave you your shot? 

Um- 3 or 4 on Night Witches. About the same for the Dark Shores trilogy. Everything else was successful right up. 


11. What was the last movie/book which made you cry? 

I can't remember. Maybe The Light Between Oceans.


12. Can you describe a single, personal moment in your life which made you, you? 

I was born. 


13. On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your writers ego? 

Probably an 8. I don't have anything I look back on and cringe. Things could have been better, but they weren't bad as such. 


14. What is your first dream you can remember? 

No idea.


15. Have you ever been in a fight/punched in the face? 

How did/would you react? No, I don't like conflict unless it's fictional.


16. Whats the most difficult thing about writing characters with sexual identity different from your own? 

Characters and characters, their sexual identity doesn't change who they are that much.


17. The term strong female character” is used a lot. What does that mean to you, or, is it a term used too broadly? 

Yeah, it's a bit of a catch all term these days. I'm sure people do write weak characters, but who will admit that? I just prefer to write characters who are as realistic and relatable as possible. 


18. I see you are from Australia. From my time in the military Ive had the opportunity to work with some incredible people from your country. What are some of the pet peeves you have concerning the stereotypes of people from Australia? Follow up, do you tell tourists about drop bears

Lol. No I don't. I don't like the assumption we're all sports mad and talk like Steve Irwin. I've never heard anyone but him say crikey. I also never say g'day.

 19. One day while outside your home, just enjoying the day, an unscheduled eclipse happens. At first, everything is cool. But when the eclipse doesnt pass, the Earth begins to shake and split open. Nightmare creatures from Lovecraft mythos being to crawl forth from the fissures. You can have one weapon of your choice, three books and one luxury item...what do you do? 

Find wine, chocolate, my kids and hide until it's over. 


20. What would you like fans and potential fans to know about you as a person? 

I guess just that if they like my work, I hope they continue to reread it, because I'm striving to get better all the time and I hope they enjoy the ride. 


Thanks so much for the interview Mirren! For more information about Mirren, you can check out her sites here!


Twitter- @MirrenHogan. 

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